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Frequently Asked Questions

Introduction Class

Participants Preparations


What do I need to do before the training starts?

You have to watch the “Cert:CDVP2® Day 1” preparation videos, it is very important for the live Data Vault 2.0 Introduction training.

These videos are around 6 hours long separated into several smaller videos.

Where can I find the preparation videos on DVA?

You can find the videos by logging in to DVA, and then clicking on “My Account” –> “My courses” –> search for “Cert:CDVP2® Day 1”.

When will I receive the login for the DVA?

Approximately one week before the start of the training, you will receive the login information for the preparation videos.

From whom will I receive the login for the DVA?

You will receive the login from: [email protected]

Do I need to read any training materials beforehand?

Except for the videos, you don’t need to read amything before the training.

Are digital training materials available?

Yes, you can find a digital copy of the handout in the DataVaultAlliance (DVA) platform. Go to “My Account” –> “My courses” –> search for “CDVP2.0 Materials Downloads Scalefree”.

Please note, that the materials are watermarked with your personal email address.

What if I didn’t receive an invitation email from the DVA?

If you don’t receive emails from the DVA, the emails are most probably being blocked in your company. Check this help page and act accordingly.


Are there any technical devices I need for the training?

You need to be able to use Zoom. Please check before the training if your webcam and microphone are working properly.

How do I enter the Zoom again, after technical difficulties?

With the link you received a week before the training, you can return to the zoom.

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