Check our package now at the dbt Hub,
and install datavault4dbt with just two lines of code!
Based on years of experience
Our experts load data vault entities in different environments every day. Profit from it with datavault4dbt!
Adapting to heterogenous data landscapes
CDC, transient-, or persistent sources – datvault4dbt can handle them all!
Sticking to the Data Vault 2.0 Standards
The recommended and future-proof ways of how to do Data Vault.
High integrated customizability
Make datavault4dbt fit with your environment – with many global variables.
Why should you choose datavault4dbt over competitors?
Because with datavault4dbt everything just works!
An open-source package for the data warehouse automation tool dbt.
A quick and easy-to-use solution to implement performant data vault solutions.
- Based on years of experience of loading data vault entities
- Handling CDC Data, transient sources and persistent sources to adapt to heterogenous data landscapes
- Sticking to the standards of Data Vault 2.0 and hence being compatible with a wide variety of reference information
Create your metadata tables and switch from manual model writing to automated model generation.
Make your datavault4dbt implementation even faster with turbovault4dbt.
Frequently asked questions
How can i start using datavault4dbt?
Click on the dbt Hub page of datavault4dbt to find the two lines of code, that you have to add to your packages.yml inside your dbt project. After adding those lines, run a “dbt deps” statement, and start using our templates right away.
What databases are currently supported by datavault4dbt?
We currently support Snowflake, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Synapse Analytics, and Exasol. We are continuously working on supporting more and more databases. If you have a special request, just reach out to us, to see what we can do!
Which Data Vault entities are included in datavault4dbt?
- Stages,
- Hubs,
- Links,
- Satellites,
- Non-Historized Links and Satellites,
- Multi-Active Satellites,
- Record-Tracking Satellites and Point-in-Time Tables (PITs).
All those macros are supported by a wide set of back-end macros.
How can I customize datavault4dbt to make it fit into my special data environment?
DataVault4dbt is strongly based on global variables which influence the entire structure of generated code. With these global variables, users can configure many aspects of their datavault4dbt integration, like hash-algorithm, aliases for technical columns, default values for ghost records, and many more.