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Scalefree - Blog - Agile Daten - Nahtloses agiles Projektmanagement in der BI-Landschaft

Agile project management has gained significant popularity in the corporate world due to its emphasis on collaboration, customer feedback, and continuous development. This approach has found its way into Business Intelligence (BI) projects, yet many companies still encounter common challenges or struggle to fully embrace agile methodologies.

A critical aspect of agile project management in BI involves effective collaboration among different teams. In today’s fast-paced business environment, projects often necessitate contributions from multiple departments or teams with diverse skill sets.
However, communication gaps, conflicting priorities, and differences in work styles can pose significant obstacles to smooth coordination and project success. Overcoming these challenges requires fostering open communication channels, establishing clear protocols for inter-team interactions, and cultivating a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

In the context of Data Vault and BI projects, several touchpoints demand collaboration from various departments or teams. For instance, gathering background information about the data source, ensuring privacy compliance, and obtaining well-defined user requirements are all critical components. Implementing well-defined processes, where everyone understands their responsibilities, can streamline these tasks. For example, ensuring privacy tagging precedes the implementation of the Raw Data Vault to ensure accurate Satellite splits. Additionally, clear requirements from users or reporting teams, in the form of User Stories or Question Stories, are fundamental for smooth project execution. In the following, you can visualize a high level example of an Development process of an Dashboard in a typical BI Project and the different Teams/People needed.

Another common issue in BI projects is the excessive focus on technical aspects. Teams often dedicate significant time to building the entire technological infrastructure, neglecting the timely delivery of business value. At Scalefree, we advocate prioritizing business value from the project’s outset. We endorse the tracer bullet approach as an effective method, contingent on well-defined requirements. These issues are just a few examples of the challenges often faced in BI projects.


If you’re unfamiliar with the tracer bullet approach, don’t worry. We’ll dive into this topic and more in our webinar, “Typical Mistakes in Agile Approaches”. We also will take a look at Scrum and the Data Vault 2.0 methodology and uncover common mistakes in agile Project Management and learn how to avoid them. Watch the recording hier umsonst!


To address the growing interest and challenges in agile project management, Scalefree is introducing “Einblick in agile Projekte,” a monthly expert session designed to address questions, share insights, and enhance collective knowledge in agile project management. Join us every 2nd Thursday of the month to gain valuable insights from our experienced project management experts, covering a range of topics including requirements analysis, effort estimation processes, stakeholder and people management, and their integration with the Data Vault 2.0 methodology.

Don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your project management proficiency with our expert guidance. Mark your calendars for the upcoming webinar and join our monthly expert sessions to gain invaluable insights into agile project management.


– Lorenz Kindling (Scalefree)

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Um die Erstellung von Visual Data Vault-Zeichnungen in Microsoft Visio zu unterstützen, wurde eine Schablone implementiert, die zum Zeichnen von Data Vault-Modellen verwendet werden kann. Die Schablone ist erhältlich bei www.visualdatavault.com.


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