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Scalefree - Wissen - Webinare - Data Vault Friday - Bridge Table und Zero Code Impact in Data Vault

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In our ongoing Data Vault Friday series, our CEO Michael Olschimke addresses a pertinent question from our audience.

“We are currently implementing a Brückentisch over a series of sprints. The table prepares a fact entity with many measure values that are added sprint by sprint. Some measures are based on other measures in the bridge table. Our issue is that the code to load the bridge table is already complex due to the many measures. It exceeds 800+ lines of code and requires constant reengineering when additional measures are added. Is there a more agile approach with less, maybe zero change impact on the existing code?”

In this insightful video, Michael explores strategies for building a bridge table in an agile and incremental fashion. The question prompts a discussion on addressing the complexity of the loading code and finding approaches that minimize change impact, ensuring a more flexible and adaptive development process.

The video offers practical insights and recommendations for streamlining the implementation of a bridge table, enhancing agility, and reducing the challenges associated with code maintenance in evolving data models.

Treffen mit dem Sprecher

Profilbild von Michael Olschimke

Michael Olschimke

Michael hat mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Informationstechnologie. In den letzten acht Jahren hat er sich auf Business Intelligence Themen wie OLAP, Dimensional Modelling und Data Mining spezialisiert. Fordern Sie ihn mit Ihren Fragen heraus!

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Zur Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Visual Data Vault-Zeichnungen in Microsoft Visio wurde eine Schablone entwickelt, mit der Data Vault-Modelle gezeichnet werden können. Die Schablone ist erhältlich bei www.visualdatavault.com.


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