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In our ongoing series, CEO Michael Olschimke addresses a viewer’s inquiry:

“I have a source with multiple records for one BK. I model this as a hub and a satellite with a dependent child key. As a status tracking satellite only tracks the parent key hub; how can I track the deletes of the records with the dependent child?”

The viewer presents a challenge tied to a source containing multiple records for a single Business Key (BK). Their current modeling involves a hub and a satellite with a dependent child key. However, they are grappling with how to effectively track the deletions of records associated with the dependent child, especially when a status tracking satellite typically tracks only the parent key hub.

Michael engages with this query, shedding light on strategies and best practices related to Dependent Child Links in the context of Data Vault modeling. He offers insights into addressing the specific scenario described by the viewer, providing practical guidance on tracking deletions in situations where dependent child keys are involved.

This episode serves as a valuable resource for Data Vault practitioners grappling with similar challenges in their modeling endeavors. Michael’s expertise provides clarity on how to navigate the intricacies of tracking deletions effectively within the Data Vault framework.

Treffen mit dem Sprecher

Profilbild von Michael Olschimke

Michael Olschimke

Michael hat mehr als 15 Jahre Erfahrung in der Informationstechnologie. In den letzten acht Jahren hat er sich auf Business Intelligence Themen wie OLAP, Dimensional Modelling und Data Mining spezialisiert. Fordern Sie ihn mit Ihren Fragen heraus!

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Um die Erstellung von Visual Data Vault-Zeichnungen in Microsoft Visio zu unterstützen, wurde eine Schablone implementiert, die zum Zeichnen von Data Vault-Modellen verwendet werden kann. Die Schablone ist erhältlich bei www.visualdatavault.com.


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