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Scalefree Knowledge Webinars Data Vault Friday Hierarchical Link by Using an Example in Data Vault

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Within the continuum of our enlightening Data Vault Friday series, our visionary CEO, Michael Olschimke, turns his attention to an insightful question posed by an inquisitive member of our audience.

“Can you please explain in detail the hierarchical link using an example (different from the Bill of Material one, please)?”

In response to this discerning inquiry, Michael embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the concept of hierarchical links within the Data Vault framework. Drawing upon his extensive expertise, he elucidates the intricacies of hierarchical link modeling by presenting a distinctive example, distinct from the conventional Bill of Material scenario.

Through this elucidation, Michael aims to demystify the complexities surrounding hierarchical links, providing the audience with a practical and nuanced understanding of their application in diverse contexts. His commitment to delivering insightful explanations reflects the ethos of our Data Vault Friday series, which strives to empower data professionals with valuable knowledge.

Meet the Speaker

Profile picture of Michael Olschimke

Michael Olschimke

Michael has more than 15 years of experience in Information Technology. During the last eight years he has specialized in Business Intelligence topics such as OLAP, Dimensional Modelling, and Data Mining. Challenge him with your questions!

The Data Vault Handbook

Build your path to a scalable and resilient Data Platform

The Data Vault Handbook is an accessible introduction to Data Vault. Designed for data practitioners, this guide provides a clear and cohesive overview of Data Vault principles.

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