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Scalefree Knowledge Webinars Data Vault Friday Data Vault 2.0 Source System Disaster Recovery

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In our ongoing Data Vault Friday series, our CEO Michael Olschimke engages with a challenging question from our audience, aiming to find an elegant solution to a complex scenario.

“I’m trying to find an elegant way of addressing the following problem.

You have a DV2.0 Insert Only BI deployment fed by multiple OLTP systems. One of these OLTP systems will be subject to a disaster and associated recovery process. This will be done with a loss of 3h worth of data from the OLTP in question. During the 3 hours, multiple loads into the DV were completed.

I’m trying to avoid an effectivity satellite for each hub.”

In this insightful video, Michael explores strategies for handling data from multiple source systems with disaster considerations in a Data Vault 2.0 Insert Only BI deployment. The question prompts a discussion on avoiding the use of an effectivity satellite for each hub, offering alternative approaches to address the challenges posed by data loss during disaster recovery.

Michael shares practical insights and considerations for designing resilient solutions within the Data Vault framework while optimizing the balance between complexity and efficiency.

Meet the Speaker

Profile picture of Michael Olschimke

Michael Olschimke

Michael has more than 15 years of experience in Information Technology. During the last eight years he has specialized in Business Intelligence topics such as OLAP, Dimensional Modelling, and Data Mining. Challenge him with your questions!

The Data Vault Handbook

Build your path to a scalable and resilient Data Platform

The Data Vault Handbook is an accessible introduction to Data Vault. Designed for data practitioners, this guide provides a clear and cohesive overview of Data Vault principles.

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