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Scalefree Knowledge Webinars Data Vault Friday Referencing Reference Tables in Data Vault

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In the ongoing journey of our Data Vault Friday series, our esteemed CEO, Michael Olschimke, delves into a thought-provoking question raised by a keen member of our audience.

“Is it possible to have an m:n link between two reference tables (country to currency)?”

In addressing this query, Michael navigates through the intricacies of data modeling, shedding light on the feasibility and implications of establishing an m:n (many-to-many) link between two reference tables, specifically in the context of countries and currencies.

By exploring the nuances of this scenario, Michael provides valuable insights into the challenges and considerations associated with creating such relationships in the Data Vault framework. This engagement exemplifies the essence of our Data Vault Friday series, where practical queries are met with informative discussions to enhance the understanding of data professionals.

Meet the Speaker

Profile picture of Michael Olschimke

Michael Olschimke

Michael has more than 15 years of experience in Information Technology. During the last eight years he has specialized in Business Intelligence topics such as OLAP, Dimensional Modelling, and Data Mining. Challenge him with your questions!

The Data Vault Handbook

Build your path to a scalable and resilient Data Platform

The Data Vault Handbook is an accessible introduction to Data Vault. Designed for data practitioners, this guide provides a clear and cohesive overview of Data Vault principles.

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