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Scalefree Knowledge Webinars Data Vault Friday Same-as-links Business Rules in Data Vault

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In our ongoing Data Vault Friday series, our CEO Michael Olschimke engages with a thought-provoking question from our audience.

“Sometimes mapping logic for Same-As-Link (SAL) tables requires complex ‘fuzzy’ business logic. When does the logic become too complex for the Raw Data Vault, and instead, the joining of similar tables from different sources becomes a Business Vault concern? It’s important to not have convoluted transformations in the Raw Data Vault, so where do we ‘draw the line’ on transformations being too convoluted/complex for a Raw Data Vault entity?”

In this enlightening video, Michael addresses the delicate balance between the Raw Data Vault, where no business logic is applied, and the Business Vault, where most business logic is implemented. He provides insights into recognizing when the mapping logic for Same-As-Link (SAL) tables becomes too intricate for the Raw Data Vault, prompting the shift to the Business Vault for handling complex transformations.

The discussion offers practical considerations and a clear perspective on drawing the line to maintain the efficiency and clarity of transformations within the Raw Data Vault.

Meet the Speaker

Julian Brunner

Julian Brunner

Julian Brunner is working as a Senior Consultant at Scalefree and studied Business Informatics and Business Administration. His main focus is on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Data Vault 2.0. As a certified Data Vault 2.0 Practitioner he has 5 years of experience with Business Intelligence solutions and Data Warehouse development with the Data Vault 2.0 standards. He has successfully consulted customers from the banking and consulting sector.

The Data Vault Handbook

Build your path to a scalable and resilient Data Platform

The Data Vault Handbook is an accessible introduction to Data Vault. Designed for data practitioners, this guide provides a clear and cohesive overview of Data Vault principles.

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