A provider of cable network services in Germany wanted to understand why their Data Warehouse development had constant delays and results were not being delivered in the requested time frame which necessitated guidance on fixing those issues.
About the Client
Problem Statement
- Getting data from multiple sources and loading data was taking an extended amount of time
- Full automation was not possible with in-house automation tools
- Development was missing deadlines
- Business users were unable to build reports before end of production
Therefore, the goals of the assessment were:
- Identify the weaknesses in their system
- Collaborate with the client on the elaboration of mitigation strategies

The Challenge
- Review the current implementation following the best practices
- List options for going forward with an overview of advantages and disadvantages in the short-term and long-term
The Solution
Upon review, Scalefree provided a list of actionable recommendations to some of their current issues:
- Replace the current automation generator with a purchased off-the-shelf automation tool to better support their case
- Leverage Data Vault 2.0 Methodology to achieve agile delivery
- Refactor the whole data model
- Insert-only driven data loads
- Implement a Managed Self-service BI
- Change from bitmap to hash diff calculation in Delta Checks
Following these actions allowed the improvement of the performance of the overall Enterprise Data Warehouse.
Tangible Results for the Client
There were important takeaways the client got from the assessment:
- Discovery of the causes of impacted performance and how to solve them
- Potential to improve their performance by following the recommended actions provided

Technologies used
- Custom in-house generator based on Oracle database and Oracle APEX
- Oracle 12, Client has a wide-range of Oracle licenses available
- Attunity for CDC of AS/400 data
- Automic for job management
Marc Winkelmann
Managing Consultant
Phone: +49 511 87989342
Mobile: +49 151 22413517
Free Initial Consultation